Have you ever wondered why you had a specific food craving? Did you know those food cravings are associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for memory, pleasure, and reward? Anyone who wants to lose weight and maintain that weight loss through the process of appetite reduction needs to learn that taking control of your food cravings is one of the most important steps in having a successful weight loss and weight management.
Some of the biggest underlying issues that are connected to food cravings are related to unmet emotional needs. Eating that's related to stress, anger, depression, emptiness, or wanting the desire to feel comforted can also be due to an imbalance of hormones or nutrients the body is needing.
Sometimes our bodies will give us clues for the nutrients we need, such as vitamins or protein. You can find your nutrients in superfoods such as green vegetables, beans, liver, poultry, eggs, and whole grains. Superfoods can also be available in a form of a supplement.
So, how do you know if your cravings are related to emotion or are physical? It can take some patience and a lot of practice. But, some clues your body gives you can help you figure out the difference between physical and emotional hunger. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly. Whereas, the physical is more of a gradual feeling. Please consult with a doctor to determine the best resources, and treatment options to provide relief from overeating.
Sometimes, it can seem like losing weight is the hardest thing to do in the world. You are watching your calories, you cut out fast food, you even revamped your whole diet and your exercise routine. But, for some reason, the scale has not budged not even a little bit.
If this sounds familiar to you keep reading...
You may be hindering your progress by following misguided even outdated information. I will be the first to tell you that I have been there myself and that is okay because we all have made mistakes but, when it comes to fat loss, you don't have to!
I have compiled 5 fat loss mistakes we all have made when trying to lose weight and can possibly be the reason you're not reaching your weight loss goals.
Not eating enough fiber. Bacteria live in your gut, primarily in the large intestine since fiber does not get digested this is where the fiber feeds friendly gut bacteria that digest it and turn it into usable energy.
Not eating enough protein. When you don’t ingest enough protein. Your body reduces lean body mass and muscle strength. Your body can also get muscle cramping, weakness, and soreness. When you are not getting enough protein your body will also start taking protein from muscle tissue and use it as energy.
Not exercising. If you don’t exercise or add activity to your daily life you will become deconditioned. Your muscles will then weaken. Not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease.
Eating too many calories. To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit by either eating less or burning more by exercising. Your body uses calories for energy. But, consuming too many and not burning enough by exercising can lead to weight gain.
Only focusing on the scale. Most of us associate our weight directly to our caloric intake, which puts too much focus on the scale that can lead to you placing too much emphasis on food. Stop focusing on the scale and start measuring progress with what really matters! Your shape and body fat levels have changed far more than what the scales are showing you.
We all mistakes, that is just the human in us. But, understanding what causes the weight loss plateau, will help you decide how to respond and avoid hindering your new healthy habits.
Content in this article is not medical advice and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet.
One of the biggest questions I get asked a lot is “can a person do the Ketogenic diet long term?” There are many speculations that the Ketogenic diet might not be the best choice for long-term health. When I first started the Ketogenic diet I was told that I couldn’t do the diet for more than 6 months and that it wouldn’t be healthy to do it longer than that. Many people believe the eating habits the diet promotes might lead to heart problems or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Despite these speculations, the ketogenic diet is not something new that was just created..Doctors have been using it for about 100 years to treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children. There is solid evidence proving that the ketogenic diet reduces seizures in children and has many other health benefits.
In many present studies, researchers show the effects of a long-term ketogenic diet. It shows the reduced body weight and body mass of the person studied. The study also shows how it decreased the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and blood glucose.
It is true that this diet may not be for everyone by personal preference but, being on this diet as a lifestyle does not produce any significant side effects on people. Therefore, the present study confirms that it is safe to use the ketogenic diet for a longer period than previously demonstrated.
The content in this article is not medical advice and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet.
One big question that comes up is “should you snack while on the ketogenic diet?” There are many people who don’t need to snack at all while they’re on keto so, keto may be a game-changer for you even if you’ve always been a person who always snacked. Let’s take a look at snacking for a bit.
Having a snack usually tends to be people who are bored or their blood sugar is crashing. But, besides these different ideas about snacking. Snacks can also be an important part of your diet. Having a snack in between meals can provide the energy needed to sustain until mealtime. When eating a healthy snack It can also decrease your hunger and keep you from overeating.
If you are a beginner to the ketogenic diet it is important to start out assuming that you won't need to snack. So, If you must have a snack there is no reason for you to go hungry between your meals because it’s plenty of healthy snack alternatives available while you are on your weight loss journey. Here are low carb snacks that will help keep you in ketosis and save you from those hunger pains.
Quick Keto/low carb snacks you just grab and go!
Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other types of seeds
Pork rinds
Full-fat cheese snacks
Macadamia nuts and walnuts
Snack bars that have been formulated for the keto meal plan, like Quest bars
Keto/low carb snacks you can prepare at home.
Salami and provolone roll-ups
Hard-boiled eggs
Cooked bacon strips
Cucumbers, cut in half and filled with cream cheese or tuna fish
Sugar-free Jell-O snack with whipped or heavy cream topping
Keto smoothie
Keto cookies
It’s perfectly fine to snack, especially while on keto. Keep an eye on your carb counts and make sure you’re not going over your limits and you will be just fine. Choosing snack quality is more important than the frequency of eating.
The content in this article is not medical advice and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet.